Star Trek

Hello friends. I am back in beautiful San Diego California working at Balboa hospital. I cant stress just how much I love this place compared to any other place on the globe (save for wonderful Grass Valley of course). They tell me that I will be working in the ward with 12 hour days. It should be hard but I will learn a lot.
This somehow brings me to my next point: Star Trek. A friend of mine (Back at my old camp) made me watch a couple episodes of star trek. Its not that I didn’t like it, but I could find millions of things wrong with it. I am only going to mention 7 of them, but I think they all could be fixed. These are just 7 things I don’t like about star trek:
1. Technobabble.- I don’t even know half the stuff they are saying on the show. Its like: “Engine 4 was blown so I solved the problem by reversing the polarity of the battery cell, and routing the power through my satellite dish. The resulting subspace plasma caused a rift in the space-time continuum, which created a quantum tunneling effect that charged the protons in the engine core….” Seriously, what the heck? Is the captain sitting there like “Oh so the problem was the tunneling effect through the polarity sensors. I gotcha. I thought it might have something to do with that. I knew I heard some sort of scratching noise coming from there.” Yea-ok all cleared up.
2. Chain of Command- What kind of hierarchy is this? The captain says something like “Fire the torpedoes!” and like a million people give their opinion on what they think they should do. C-mon people he’s the captian! Do what he says. I think he knows what he is talking about.
3. The Doors- You can't walk three feet in a starship without some door whooshing or screeching at you. So many people would have gone on a killer rampage by now just by that annoying noise alone. Haven’t these people heard of WD-40?
4. The Federation- If I understand correctly, this is a planet-wide government that runs everything, and that has abolished money. How creepy is this? I can point out about one million things wrong with this alone. How would this even work? Can you say dictatorship?
5. The Holodeck- I’ll admit, this is cool and all, but I don’t think people would use it for Sherlock holmes mysteries and western saloons. Lets be honest, all of us would spend 23.5 hours a day in there acting like we were super-rich or famous or amazingly beautiful or something. I’m sure it would be used for *ahem* less than noble purposes as well.
6. Seatbelts- Watching people cripple themselves by flying over the captains head each time a colored blob of energy hit them would make one of them think “Gee, I wonder if there is some sort of restraining device we could use to keep these people from flying all over the place.” Then instead of inventing seatbelts, they invented a hard plastic thing that's locked over your thighs. Oh, I'll bet THAT felt good around corners. Each time they make a U-turn somebody comes out with Scoliosis or something. Good thinking!
7. The word Polarity- I don’t think they know what this means. They need to just stop reversing the polarity of everything! It might work once in a while, but usually it just screws things up. Its like: “What happened to the toilet in Stateroom 3?" "Well, the plumbing backed up, and Giordi thought he could fix it by reversing the polarity." Yea that’s what I try to do to. I would just stick with the Dran-O instead.
P.S. Notice how I didnt even mention the fact that everyone wears the same thing. The tight spandex with the V-neck and the boots. How can you even tell what rank everybody else is? This is an Honorable Mention.
Shoot, I just went and bought some new scuba gear yesterday. Otherwise, I'd be all over that.
Funny post, Ian. The "swooshing door part" especially, cuz for some reason I could picture you in my mind as clear as day, saying that, all serious and disgusted.
Hey thanks anonymous! Since my site is apperently used for free advertising now, how about you come to my other site and check it out. Its: its really cool.
PS: Even if i wanted scuba gear, i wouldn't come to you now anyways because you annoy me.
I loved this post Ian.
I had no idea how funny you are! Usually, you don't talk to me that much so I just had to go by what others told me about you.
Anyhoodles, I'm gonna link this to my site so some of my blog friends that like Star Trek can check it out.
My favorite reason you hate Star Trek was the seat belt reason. I haven't watched much of this show, but everytime I have flipped by it, people ARE flying all over the place--oh! and that was funny when you mentioned that everyone argues with the captain. I guess they wouldn't be able to stretch the show over a 30 minute time frame if everyone just did what they were told.
Came over here from Sadie's blog. Too funny.
I love Star Trek, but then again I was a kiddie when I saw it and looking back, it's good cheese.
You got to love Kirk though. Whenever he meets an alien, he either falls in love with it or kills it.
Ian, that was really funny. It was annoying to read at this time cuz my dad is asleep and I cant lol or I will wake him up. so I had to snicker really softly. I miss you buddy!
Your last comment I believe can be answered. The color of the uniforms indicate a role. Red is security, blue science. I forget the rest. The emblem on the breast is rank, but I don't know the details there either. You are mixing up two different shows, the original from new generation. The holodeck would be a living fantasy, and I have often pondered that one. It would probably be a little embarassing to watch a replay in the rec room while your buddies give you a ribbing about your sexcapades on the backdrop of a blue screen. There might be some inhibitions involved with going crazy.
Mega dittos to everyone! With exception, of course, to the advertising. I never was big on Star Trek. I don't know how you can be with something like Star Wars to compete with. Sorry this is short but I have to run. Much Love!
hey ian
i loved that ian.
and i think that is so like it and i can tell that everyone esll liked it to.i have to agree with sadie.on the seat belt.i thought that was so funny.
anyway i thought it was all realy funny.i realy don't like star trek anyway talk to you later
hey ian,
i all ready left a comment and i am telling you agina how funny that was.anyway i love you and miss you and can not wait to see you.
i don't know write know if you have e-mail so i am just e-mailing you on this i love you and hope the best with everything.hows it all going?well do you know when you are going to wirte any other blog i hope realy soon they are so funny.mav and i were readying it to gether and mav was like on the ground i thought he was going to die or some thing.anyway love you and i talk to you later
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