The Greatest Movie Ever
I’ve been wondering, what’s the best movie ever? If you were to tell someone what the best movie you ever saw was, what would it be? I’m sure most of you would say something like the “Godfather” or “Star Wars” or “It’s a wonderful life” or something like that. But what about right now? What would you say is the greatest movie of all time? This post is going to be short, but I expect lots of feedback from y’all. So what do you think? I would have to say the best movie ever was either “The Wizard of Oz”, “Edward Scissorhands” or “Spirited Away”. You see, even I can’t narrow it down to just 1 movie. I don’t think that there is just one movie to rule all the other movies. A movie so grand that as soon as you mention it everyone says; “Oh yea your right, that really is the greatest movie ever conceived by man.” I don’t think there is one, but a lot of movies come close though. Tell me your thoughts.
P.S. I fell asleep during Godfather. I just couldn’t get into it even though I hear it’s a masterpiece. Don’t let your personal thoughts get in the way of movie greatness. Example: I love A.I. but Rosalyn hates it. I think it’s a great movie but others might think otherwise.
Ian, I think your question is too difficult to answer. You must divide it into categories; best western, musical, sci-fi, alternative, etc. I think then you'll get better answers. Only allow one to each category, and it's still difficult, but do-able. Fellow little friends of Ian, do you agree?
Clearly Michele didn’t read the question. I don’t want sub categories that all the movies can fit under. However, I do understand that some people will have the same concerns that you have, so unfortunately I am going to use you as an example to others. If for some reason this question is too hard for any of you (even though there is no right answer) then I will let you divide it up. You can only divide it up by decade though. Example: The best movies of the 70s 80’s 90’s and… well the last 5 years. This should break it down for some of you.
OK, possibly, I can handle that, but it will take much thought. I'll be back.
Hmm. I'm with Michele in that I have seen so many movies and movies sift into their catagories naturally--you can't compare great comedies with great dramas and you can't compare great 50's movies with great 80's movies. If I had to choose the greatest movie of all time, for me, personally and it had nothing to do with what I think the greatest movie is for the industry or anything else--It would be a tie between Braveheart and American Beauty.
Braveheart is my favorite epic movie. The first time I watched the movie all the way through, (I had to close my eyes a lot the first few times) the story just moved me and I couldn't stop thinking about it. It stuck with me. I think it's Mel Gibson's precursor to The Passion. William Wallace was such a Christ-figure there at the end.
American Beauty is one of THE greatest achievements in acting, directing, and screen writing I have ever seen. Although, it's rated R for a reason so...yeah.
I'm not ready to say my movies yet, but I'd like to say Nattalie's picture is cool and beautiful. Very haunting and surreal. Oh, maybe I'll say a couple just to tease everyone, and Ian, I'm going to do them in categories, Sadie's right, as was I, as Sadie said. (Man, you can't seem to control your blog):
Best offbeat: The Apostle
Best religious: The Miracle Maker
Best western: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Best Sports: Victory
Best War: Toss up between Glory and The Great Escape
Best Musical: The Music Man
Best Sci-fi: Signs
No, no, no, ... that's all for now.
Good choice David. Forrest Gump really encompasses all of those important elements that I look for. Tom Hanks was AMAZING! When I saw that movie in the theater with my sister, this lady next to us asked if maybe we should leave the theater because we were sobbing so hard there at the end when Forrest is talking to Jenny at her grave. *whew*
That was heavy.
I know that the story of American Beauty is rough and turns most people off, but it's realism I look for in quality films and that movie is the perfect slice of life done up all artsy and poetic like. I totally enjoyed it.
I liked The Station Agent a lot like that.
Well I'm glad to see that some of you are thinking about good movies. Although only 2 of you actually answered the question as it was stated (Thank you David and Nattalie), but I guess homeschooling has that effect on some people. I would have to say the best movie ever is probably Forest Gump. Its a movie everybody can enjoy. Good job Dave. Way to think outside the box.
As for Michele and Sadie, I'm glad you answered the question, and I am sorry if my blog was too hard to answer. I will try to "Take control of my blog" from now on.
Why are you writing a sort of "signing out" message, Ian? Did I say I was done? Has Rosalyn commented or Levi? Do I need to take control of this blog again? (In my homeschoolian way)
David, that was a pretty good choice for a movie that has everything. But I feel there's one more out there... even more perfect. Could it be The Sound of Music, or perhaps Life is Beautiful?
Sorry, Sadie and David, Braveheart to me was OK. It seems sort of cheesy when I watch it now. I know, everyone thinks that's blasphamey, but that movie never blew me away even the first time. Watch Glory for pure wartime beauty.
Now, more categories, just to make Ian mad:
Best romance: Your'e right, Nat, Emma, or Sense and Sensibility. Nothing more romantic than everyone trying to be noble and proper.
Best horror: Sixth Sense or The Haunting of Hill House, the 60s version (I don't really watch much in this genre, so I may be making a rare wrong call.)
Best fantasy; Lord of the Rings, hands down.
Have to go, Ian. Good blog. Perhaps I'll add more tonight.
ha ha
I wasn't homeschooled. I'm just a Movie Maven and Michele likes to think she is. *huff*
She doesn't have the greatest taste in movies, but she liked the Lord of the Rings so we let her have opinions. Shhhhhhhh.......
Hands down, without a doubt, no hesitation whatsoever:
The Wizard of Oz
Forrest Gump was great, but no one can touch the great Oz.
OK, I just love posting comments on random peoples blogs, I found yours was recently published and I feel compelled to say without a doubt, Powder is the best movie ever. The original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Fight Club pulling up right behind it.
Ok Jory, I will admit that fight club is an awesome movie, but I dont think it belongs in the greatest movie ever catagory. Some people would find if offensive or gory or something. The Greatest movie ever would have to have an amazing story, awesome acting, well balanced cinematography and brilliant editing. If any one of these were to fail then it wouldnt make it.
P.S. I will miss you too dave. Have fun on tour and dont get hurt!
"The Greatest movie ever would have to have an amazing story, awesome acting, well balanced cinematography and brilliant editing."
These elements are always overlooked when people tell you if they liked a movie or not.
Take a lame movie like...mmmm...The Wedding Planner. I don't have to see it to know it will be lame. Let's say someone was lame enough to watch it's lameness; you ask them, "was it good?"
What is good?
Good is some of the elements of comprehensive movie making, if not ALL the elements.
They say," Yeah--it was good."
They lie.
According to what makes a good to great movie, The Wedding Planner CAN NOT be good.
It can just be horrid.
Hi! I feel so cool that i got to be in ian's post! Anyways , even though I am home schooled I am going to answer the question right. The only movie I can think of at this late hour , or at least the first one that popped into my head would be the goonies. I know its not a critically acclaimed as all the others mentioned , but I could watch that movie forever. It has elements from all genres. Romance, action, adventure, drama, comedy, mystery, everything you could ever want on a movie is summed up in the goonies.
you do not seem like someone who would like THE WIZARD OF OZ.
I love the Wizard of Oz, I even put a picture of it up on my post. I think that is a great movie achievement and is probably on the top 10 list.
Yes, Ian, Wizard is a great movie, but has one huge blooper that has never been noticed by anyone except myself and my keen movie-watching eyes; Toto must still die, even though she learned "there is no place like home." Nothing has really changed in Kansas. Aunty Em is still wimpy and will just let that mean witch lady have the dog destroyed. That's always bothered me, that they don't tie up that very important problem. Therefore, I don't think Wizard of Oz can be the greatest movie of all time. Good attempt, though.
Ahem... obviously, I meant "cannot be" the greatest movie of all time.
you should do stand up or write a book of your musings.
Okay, Wizard of Oz, and Edward Scissorhands, are such classics. I have yet to see the Godfather tho. My bro spent about an hour explaining the first movie to me, so that when i do watch it, I wont be confused. I really was into it tho. So hopefully soon ill see it, and not fall asleep.
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