Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I guess I’ve been “Tagged” by Levi or something. I have to answer the book question for everyone to see.
Total # of books owned:
I have way too many books to say for sure. Probably around 100 million. (just a guesstimate though.)

The Last Book I Bought:
That would have to be this book I bought in the Airport called: “The Merciful God of Prophecy and his Loving Plan for your Life in the End Times.” It’s by Tim LaHaye and I still haven’t finished it. Its really good and I learned a ton of cool stuff about bible prophecy. I recommend it to anybody.

The last book I read.
That would have to be Mere Christianity. I recently finished reading it for the first time and it is a very well written book. I only wish I had read it earlier than now.

5 books with Special Meaning to me.
That’s a tough question. Well first there is the Bible. I would hate to go anywhere without my Bible. It has all the answers to survive in a world like ours. Of course if every day was a huge struggle to survive then I guess the Worst Case Scenario handbook would come in extremely helpful. It also comes in handy if your Indiana Jones.

Number Two would probably be When Christ comes by Max Lucado. This is a beautifully written book and I have read it over 10 times. I love Max Lucado and I love almost anything he writes. He has a way of telling stories so you can completely understand everything he is saying and the point he is trying to get across.

Number Three is the Redwall series. I started reading this series when I was in 5th grade and I couldn’t get enough of it. Brian Jacques is such a talented author and he brings the story to life so well. As of right now there are 17 books out and they keep on coming every 2 years or so. I have only read 6 of these books but each time I finish one I fall back and smile at what a wonderful series this is.

Coming in at number 4 would have to be anything about the End Times. I guess the Left Behind series falls under this category. I enjoy anything that talks about the end times from a theological point of view. The Great Divorce by CS Lewis is something I enjoy reading not for the theological reasons, but just because it portrays heaven as such a stretch of the imagination. I love the way he describes everything in such vivid detail you think it is an actual place that he has been to.

The Fifth book in my list is Enders Game. This book is so well written, and keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time. Anybody who has read Enders Game knows that this book is like, a reward for reading books. It is a one of a kind book that has to be read at least once in a lifetime.


At 9:13 AM, Blogger Levi Nunnink said...

Thanks for replying, Ian.

Great fiction choices. I love Redwall, especially Mossflower. There was just something so cool about how intense those mouse v.s. cat v.s. badger battles got. And Martin was a great charachter. Come to think of it, I should read those again...

Of course Ender's Game is the best science fiction book ever written. (And, honestly, the only book by Orson Scott Card that I've enjoyed.)

At 12:44 PM, Blogger Ian said...

Well thank you Levi. I was sitting here banging my head on the table trying to think of some books when Suddenly (Gasps)I remembered about the Redwall series. A great series indeed.
As for Enders Game, I heard that Enders Shadow is just as good as Enders Game. I really need to read that....

At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you too embarrassed and manly now that you're in the service to admit your enjoyment of "The Christy Miller Series"?
Cool that you've read Mere Christianity, now it's time for Lion Witch and Wardrobe, you'll see all his theological points made in fiction.

At 5:46 PM, Blogger Sadie Lou said...

Ender's Game rocks! I remember getting all paranoid because I heard a rumor that they were making an ender's game movie and that annoying kid that played Anakin from The Phantom Menace was going to be in it. Now he's not. Wolfgang Peterson (The Perfect Storm, Outbreak, Enemy Mine) is still rumored to direct.

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Ian said...

No I am not embarrassed to admit that I have read the Christy Miller series. I actually Kind of Enjoyed them. I've read the entire goosebumps series also. Those are old school books, just ask anybody who has read them.


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