Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A great wonder or blunder?

Well here we Americans go again. Redevelopment officials unveiled the new design for the Freedom Tower, the signature building to be built at Ground Zero. Its look is similar to that of one of the old World Trade Center towers. The new building is narrower and more square, It's base the same size as the old twin towers and set back 90 feet from the street. The building is structured around three very tall triangles that will rise to 1360 feet, the same height as the old twin towers. Atop that, a spire will rise from the center of the building, bringing the total height to 1776 feet. (Also symbolic of when independence was declared) Isn’t this a great idea? After terrorists blow up our two trade center towers, we build an even bigger tower to show how great we are. Does ANYBODY else, think that maybe this might not be the best idea? I know I’m not the only one out there who thinks we’re only setting ourselves up for failure. The enormous pedestal, with a budget estimated at $1.5 billion, would overlook the Sept. 11 memorial. "Construction will climax the greatest comeback in the history of our city," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. Yea, not to mention the arrival of the 2nd greatest attack on American soil.
Maybe instead of building something bigger and better, we should just remember the two towers for what they were. I don’t know, tell me what you all think.


Ian's factor of the day:
More than 1.2 million cubic yards of earth and rock were excavated to make way for the World Trade Center. The excavated material was placed in the Hudson River to create 23.5 acres of new land deeded to the City of New York. This landfill area is now Battery Park City.


At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting thoughts. The patriot in me says, "Go America, You show the world we won't back down or forget!" But, the practical me says, "I'd never want my kids to step foot in that building." A public park with a memorial seems like a better choice, but that's pretty valuable real estate and they probably want to use it for commerce.

At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way you speak of a new tower seems like you're conceding defeat. This being the 5th anniversary of the attacks, I am more steadfast in my belief that we should rebuild there. Currently it is a large hole in the ground, that reminds us all of what happened. I don't think we should forget, but we shouldn't remember by having holes in the ground. We should remember by rebuilding. And we should build something higher and better than before. If the cowards want to try their hand again, bring it. We don't fear them, and if they try to knock us down, we will get back up stronger and bolder than before. If you can't feel my pride in this note I've done something wrong, but we will not roll over, and we will show them the truth of the statement, "Mess with the bull, Get the horns."


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