Best and Worst Inventions
In a poll taken in 2002 by the BBC, the bicycle (Invented by Pierre Lallement, 1866) was voted the best invention ever with more than 60% of the votes. I thought that was kind of interesting that the bicycle, out of everything that has ever been invented, was voted the best invention of all time. This poll was taken in England though, and even though America and England are similar in a lot of aspects; I wouldn’t think Americans would vote the bicycle as the “Best” invention of all time. We would probably say something stupid like fast food or cell phones or something.
However, on the opposite end of the spectrum, nuclear bombs were voted the worst invention of all time. I would have to agree with that. Nuclear bombs and algebra are the worst things to come out of mortal man’s sick mind. Ok maybe not algebra but I personally hate math more than anything else in this world (that includes MTV, abortion and the metric system. But I don’t want to get off on a rant about things I hate or can’t stand, because I will make a web log about that later). Also on the list of worst inventions ever (according to the BBC) were Landmines, Plastic bags, Speed cameras, Mobile phones and Car alarms. I don’t know where they got these but I think plastic bags and mobile phones are both great inventions. Car alarms are stupid because nobody listens to them anyways and speed cameras are only over in England so we don’t really have to care about stuff like that (a speed camera is the equivalent of a radar detector over here). The top inventions were: Bicycle, Radio, Computer, Penicillin, Internal Combustion Engine, Worldwide Web, Light Bulb, Telephone and Television. According to them, these things were the best thing man has come up with. To be honest with you, I think plastic and phones are the greatest inventions ever. Plastic is everywhere and it can be used in so many ways. Phones are amazing things and personally, talking to my friends and family from far away is far more important to me than light or television.
I must say that the 2 dumbest inventions I have come across was 1: the CALOY Flood detector. The main principle behind this invention: It starts to beep the moment water touches it. Isn’t that amazing. And 2: The Anti-Eating Mouth Cage. This is not a joke, it’s actually a cage you put over your mouth to stop yourself from eating too much (See picture below) like Hannibal Lector or something. If you don’t have enough self-control, and you need this to stop yourself from eating too much, you have a serious problem. I hope it comes in extra large.
Seriously, some people have the dumbest ideas in the world.
What are your thoughts about the worst invention? And also what do you think the greatest invention of all time is? I guess you could say “What is the greatest thing since sliced bread?”
I despise plastic bags. I have no good reason why. They carry more food than paper bags, they are easier to carry and you can carry more of them at a time but I still don't like them and I rarely use them when I go grocery shopping.
Paper bags are nicer looking. Oh, and they fit better in the back of my car.
A favorite invention: I can't name my most favorite invention because I haven't contemplated it long enough but I do like the ultrasound.
It is so wonderful to see your baby inside you. To see them move and wiggle and define their little body parts...what a great invention. I feel sorry for women that had babies before that was invented.
A Stupid Invention:
Chia Pet.
Ya, Id have to agree with zach, computers all the way.
Best invention, hands down: The pen and paper.
What would we do without written communication? Can you imagine life without it?
Worst invention of all time: Television! Yech!!! (Not movies, mind you.) Mind-numbing, idiotic, mediocrity-inducing, television.
The bicycle!?!?!? Do you know how long it's been since I've used a bicycle? Who was the guy who suggested plastic bags as the worst invention???? I am still debating whether the internet or the computer is the best invention. Most of us have not comprehended how much the computer and the internet affect our lives.
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