Good and Bad Parenting

What is a good parent?
Why is parenting so hard for some people and so easy for others? I was thinking about this when I was at the mall doing some people watching, and some small kid was arguing with his mom about something. He told her that she was a bad mother and she said no she wasn’t. It made me think; “What is a bad mother? Or bad parent for that matter? Who gets to decide when parenting is tough love or just plain bad?” I sat there staring into space for about 3 ½ minutes thinking about it and then shrugged it off, only to have it come back and haunt me later that day and well into the night.
We both know I don’t have any experience in the parenting field, but I want, or rather, need to know what it takes to be a good parent. When you see moms yelling and hitting their kids, and kids kicking and screaming back at them, you think, “That’s a bad parent”. If that’s bad, then how do you know when you’re being a good parent? Of course every parent thinks they are pretty good at being parents, but how do you know you are? Do you have to take a test? Does somebody tell you? Have you asked your kids? Do they tell you the truth? I tell my parents they do a fine job at parenting, even though I am sometimes dissatisfied with the job they did. I would never tell them that unless they pulled it out of me (or read this blog I suppose…) or we were mad at each other.
Every person in the world who has been upset at their parents has said; “When I am a parent, I’m going to let my kids do this or that”. Now if these kids were really doing what they said they were going to do, I think parenting would be perfected by now. Here are some examples and rules that I have said before in the past, and that I plan to uphold in the future for my kids;
1. Let them stay out late with their friends once in a while. This is the single easiest thing parents can do for their kids and really not have done anything at all. I hated it when my parents wouldn’t let me go to a movie or something just because they didn’t feel like it. YOU’RE NOT DOING ANYTHING!!!! How can a parent say no just because they would rather have you at home? Usually when I ended up staying home, we didn’t even hang out. I would go to my room and play videogames all night. Like that was so much better for me than some movie or something.
2. Parents; don’t make younger siblings hang out with older siblings (or visa versa). This is just stupid. The kids have to live together, and now your making them play together? Don't the younger siblings have friends of their own? I’m sorry, but that’s just retarded. Example: Older sibling; “Can I spend the night at (friend’s house) tonight mom?”
Mom; “Of course!”
Older sibling; “Yeah thanks mom! You’re the best!”
Mom; “As long as you let (younger sibling’s name) go with you.”
(Excitement drains from older siblings face as it is replaced with anger and hatred for both mom and younger sibling)
You see this just makes everyone angry and upset. I don’t think this is anywhere near fair, but apparently some adults think so.
3 Do NOT criticize your kids too much. I can’t even talk about this it pisses me off so much. I hate to say this but I wanted to yell at my parents (or myself) so hard sometimes for the criticism they (she) would give us. It lowers your self-esteem, it makes you feel like crap, and it makes kids hate their parents in the future. This truly is bad parenting at its finest.
4 If you’re going to have “Family time” then spend the time hanging out with your kids as a FAMILY. My parents had family time and everyone spent the entire night in their rooms doing something totally anti social. This made me miserable and ironically made me not like my family even more. And if your going to force your kids to stay home, at least make family time fun. Talking about problems and worries is neither fun nor entertaining. It’s lame and embarrassing.
5 Giving your kids a million things to do and then complaining when some of them don’t get done. Kids should share responsibilities and not be burdened with adult life. We’re not robots ya know. This also falls under the category of letting younger siblings get away with anything and not having any responsibilities, while the older siblings get a crapload of things they need to get done before dinnertime or else a punishment occurs.
These are just 5 major things that I told myself I was never going to do to my kids when I am a parent. I am sure there are plenty more out there and I might add some later on, but for now, I promise never to subject my kids to any of these rules. I am sorry in advanced if you are offended by these things but these are MY opinion. Its not intended to insult in any way whatsoever. You dont have to take it seriously. What do you think parents of the world? Are these too extreme? I’m expecting some good answers.