I’m sorry but I just have to know, what is so special about NASCAR? I mean, who thought of this? Where else in America can you watch cars drive? Oh yea, Everywhere! Now its not that I HATE the sport, but I don’t think it’s a very interesting sport to be honest. I would go to a nascar race if I wanted to see how to execute a left hand turn at 200 mph, but that’s pretty much it. Other than that, there is no reason that I would go to a NASCAR race. But just to be fair, lets weigh the pro’s and con’s about it:
1. Cars driving fast,
2. All the left turns you could want,
3. Maybe a cool crash if your lucky.
1. A huge waste of time, (but then again if you think about it, most sports are).
2. You have to pay money.
3. Its boring.
4. Everything is expensive.
5. Think about it people, you drive to a stadium and pay money to watch other cars drive, and then you drive home and feel somewhat satisfied about how you spent your last 5 hours. And I just KNOW that everyone who drives home from any nascar event is pretending he/she is racing the other cars on the freeway.
Now I know that somebody out there who loves nascar is going to bash me on something and tell me how much they hate me or how ignorant I am, but I just have to tell you how I feel about sports. What kind of friend would I be if I let you all think that I actually liked nascar? And why is it mostly a southern sport? I don’t get that. How did they adopt this as the “Official sport of the south”? For all I care they can have it. To me the top best sports to watch (in no particular order) are: Football and Basketball. The most boring to watch is NASCAR, bowling and golf. There is just no way to make bowling and golf interesting to watch. NASCAR can be interesting if something explodes or catches fire or something, but if nothing goes wrong then its really not all that great. I think we should stick with our physically demanding sports and not rely on a machine to get us a trophy or a flag or whatever they get for winning. A new seatbelt or something sounds appropriate.
Anyways, hope to hear your thoughts.