The Fantastic Four

I'm going to make this short like my tolerance for this movie.
Well i was fortunate enough to sneak in to see this....interesting piece of work. I'm not going to try to set it up, i just want to get into it.
This movie was built on one liners and retarded pun's that nobody over the age of 4 would laugh at. Seriously, the people who write those mentos commercials would be embarrassed to put their name on this, mediocre product. I said to myself walking into the theatre: "There is no way it can be worse than the first one." I couldn't have been more wrong. The acting was amateur at best. The special effects were boring and it made me cringe to think that somebody thought this looked like a good piece of work. The plot made no sense whatsoever and the bad part is it left it wide open for a third movie. Let me see if i got this straight: They are trying to stop the world from being destroyed by galacticus (more on him later) but first they have to get the silver surfer on their side, so that the big G-man won't eat their planet, or absorb it or whatever he does to it. All while trying to make you feel like you are watching some romantic comedy among the four of them. Oh and somehow the bad guy from the last movie comes back and tries to kill them all.
So first lets look at some things i didn't like about it.
The bad guy from the last movie is back and....pretty much the same. You know, shoots lightning from his hands.....yea thats it. He does however look like Darth Sidious's gay black-sheep cousin. Are all supervillians going to go for the dark cloak look? Don't you know you have to be pretty old to pull that off? Anways, he comes alive, gets a mechanic to take off his man in the iron mask thing, promptly kills him, gets some huge computer laboratory going, gets a chopper to fly him to the north pole only to be punched in the face by silver man (and somehow gets it all on tape) and returns to share his story and pretend to be working for the Fantastic 4. Its just gay thats all. I think Nip/Tuck should stick with the cutting people open, he's much better at that.
Now Galacticus. There is really nothing more to this cosmic hurricane Katrina then it eats planets and is big. Didn't galacticus have at least a face in the comics? Whatever, even if he did it wouldn't make this horrible attempt of a movie any better.
Its almost sad to see how little talent Jessica Alba has now. Her acting consisted mainly of holding her hands in the air at something while getting a bloody nose. I don't even want to think about it. It was abysmal though.
I don't know what else to say, this movie was slightly worse then terrible. Jonny Depp's hairstyle had more personality than this movie. These have got to be the most boring super-heroes on the planet. You want a good sequel to the first one? Just watch the incredibles twice, they have pretty much the same powers only they are far more interesting.
Did anyone else notice that they made a trip to Latrevia? Last time i checked the globe on Google Earth, thats not a country, or even a place. Thats just one of many examples of what great lengths they will go to make this movie as crappy as possible. It doesn't explain where silver surfer comes from, where he goes, all we know is that he kills billions of people on thousands different planets because he wants to save his girlfriend, who he never gets to see because Katrina (galacticus) has him working 24/7. He decides to kill galacticus in some sort of self sacrificing cosmic human bomb all because Jessica alba looks kind of like his girlfriend back home on Zenn-la, or wherever he is from.
In the comics his punishment for betraying that cosmic dirt cloud was to be banished to earth. He has to live on earth as punishment. He could have been banished anywhere else, but they chose earth as ultimate punishment. What does that tell you? Bet earth doesn't look so great now does it?
The only good thing i can see coming out of this, is if they make like a Fantastic Four vs. Transformers or maybe Fantastic Four vs. Superman, or even Fantastic Four vs. anything, as long as they don't have to talk and they all get the crap beaten out of them. I would pay money to go see that. Otherwise, don't waste the 1.5 hours it took to watch this attempt to stimulate your brain. It probably only took that long to make this movie also. If you really want to waste your time, see if you can tie yourself up to the point you cant escape. I always wondered if that was possible.....
Oh and the silver surfer was really more of a chrome than silver. Just thought i should point that out.